The Dark Knight…revisited

As said in my previous post, “…I am 99.99999% sure it didn’t swear at all…” I have been shown that it does. Which makes me think, have we became so subjected to swearing that we have just become completely oblivious to it that we don’t hear it anymore, its like a second language? Here is what the site said about the swearing, “Characters abuse Jesus’ name three times, God’s name a half-dozen times (once, pairing it with “d–n”). They lob a handful of other curses, including “h—” and “a–.” Now it says, “…lob a handful of other curses…” but I think I would’ve noticed a lob of swear words, so I don’t think that there was that many, but there could’ve been. I would love comments!

The Dark Knight

Well just back from seeing “The Dark Knight” and let me tell ya, it was great, like one of the best movies I have ever seen…great. Plot, Storyline, Graphics, the way the characters were wrote, most of it was like you were there, feeling what they were feeling, it was like watching a great book. I am definitely suggesting it to everybody and as a bonus, I am 99.99999% sure it didn’t swear at all…how many great movies, wait rephrase that, how many MOVIES can you say don’t swear? It is a must see.