Sweet Black iMac

Black iMac

All I gotta say is…Man that would be the sweetest iMac EVER!!!! and I want one 🙂

You can check more out about it here…Black iMac

Almost one whole year!

At this moment it is 21 days, 18 hours, and 20 minutes until Courtney and I’s one year anniversary! It is very very very exciting and amazing. I also wanted to say thank you for all your prayer! We are doing a lot better then we have been and still have some work left but I know that with God’s help we will make it. Thank you and I’ll cya y’all later.

Why is there so many kinds of cop cars now?!?

Well there is the infamous Ford Crown Victoria cop cars and the Chevy Impala cop cars. BUT! Now the Lenewee County Sheriffs Dept. has a 2006/07 Dodge Charger and a newer Dodge Ram pickup! The Charger looks really sweet though!! So if you see a black Dodge Ram, it may be the Shariffs Dept. 🙂

I don’t know what to say…

Well all I gotta say is, “What will they come up with next?!?!?!?” They have Bluetooth Sunglasses!!!! WHATSUP WITH THAT?!??!?! Go ahead and check it out, they do a lot of stuff, AND they are sunglasses! WHY NOT? IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE TO BUY TWO PAIR!

I would walk 500 miles…

…just to see my girl. la la la, la la la. la la la, la la la. (I know, that was wrong) BUT IT’S TRUE! Today we have been going out for 11 months! As amazing as the past 11 months would be, as y’all know, a relationship has its up’s and down’s. (I feel a little wierd doing this, but I feel it needs to be done) if you could just pray for us and our relationship that would be great! We just need prayer. Thank you guys SO MUCH!!!


I went one week with a pop a day! Only 7 pops for a whole week! Maybe, just maybe I shall try for 5 pops this week!

Come to find out…

…it’s not that hard to break a bad habit. I have only had one pop a day since Tuesday (so thats 1 Tuesday, 1 Wednesday, 1 Thursday, 1 Friday, 1 Saturday and 1 Sunday) If it wasn’t for Courtney though I don’t think that I would be able to do it, she has helpped me A LOT!! and I mean A LOT!!! I almost went all day Saturday without a pop but I had to have a Dr. Pepper (I hadn’t had one in over a week! and I love my Dr. Pepper!!) Maybe I will try none this week…we shall see…..

Slingshot engaged…

So I just watched “Talladaga Nights the Ballad of Ricky Bobby” twice in the past two days and its hilarious!!! ‘Cause, “If your not first, your last!,” “Not to be used without the permission of Ricky Bobby.” Who would’ve thought that it would be funny 2x in a row?!? Definatly recommended, especially if you like NASCAR or liked “Days of Thunder.” Which the actor John Reilly is in both movies….hummm 🙂

But the best part of the movie,
Ricky Bobby: Dear Lord baby Jesus, or as our brothers in the south call you,jesuz, we thank you so much for this bountiful harvest of Dominos, KFC, and the always delicious Taco Bell. I just want to take time to say thank you for my family. My two beautiful, beautiful, handsome stricking sons, Walker, and Texas Ranger, or TR as we call him. And of course my red hot smokin’ wife Carley, who is a stone cold fox.
Cal Naughton, Jr.: mmm…
Ricky Bobby: Dear tiny infant Jesus…
Carley Bobby: Hey, um… you know sweetie, Jesus did grow up. You don’t always have to call him baby. It’s a bit odd and off puttin’ to pray to a baby.
Ricky Bobby: Well look, I like the Christmas Jesus best, and I’m sayin grace. When you say grace, you can say it to grown up Jesus, or teenage Jesus, or bearded Jesus, or whoever you want.

Movin’ on up to the East Side Apartments in the skyyyy

Well at least in the blogger world,

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Total Views: 3,406

Not bad for a goofy 19 year old tech guy that doesn’t really blog about anything real important 🙂 .

My Best Day Ever is still only 73 but my total is going up!